Friday, November 9, 2012

Thankful #08

Hey-ya! I'm starting to get caught up!

Part of the reason my blog has been neglected is because I have sort of lost touch with my photography skills.

Here's me trying to take a photograph of Ryan and Molly when we were at Hampton Beach in New Hampshire-- this is Molly hanging a the Atlantic Ocean.  Except I was actually taking video. Oops!

Today I am thankful that my husband Ryan is such a wonderful photographer-- though I am hoping to hone up my camera skills in 2013!

Obama Wins! (Thankful#7)

We're pretty political around here, so this was also a pretty big deal to us!

We had a wonderful election night, watching the results come in and texting back and forth with family and friends.

And of course we stayed up to watch President Obama's speech.
We are looking forward to another four years-- and it is crazy to think that Molly will be almost 5 years old when another president is elected!

Thursday, November 8, 2012

Catching up on my Thankfuls...

Time to catch up-- we've had A LOT to be thankful for over the past few days.

First, how about the fact that EVERY marriage equality law on the ballot PASSED on November 6?  We couldn't be happier in this house.

Here is Molly in her Pro Ref 74 outfit-- a Washington onesie I made her, and her rainbow leggings.  Hooray for equality!

How exciting that Molly's two home states (Maine and Washington) both passed their laws on the same night.

I'm loving this video of it being declared in Maine:

Monday, November 5, 2012

Midnight Thankful

It's after midnight, which means it is already tomorrow (or whatever) and I can do my thankful.
I am thankful that Molly is such a wonderful sleeper (in her own crib even), and that she has been snoozing away since 10:00 pm (she likes to stay up late and hang out with us), so that I can get some work done.

Right now, work is checking out images (here) from a wedding I coordinated a few weeks back. I was super stoked to hear that has been picked up by one of the major wedding blogs. Woot.

More importantly, I am thankful to hear that after some health issues my Auntie Cheryl is doing well.  Two of Molly's favorite toys are a stuffed bear and pound puppy that Cheryl made for me when I was little.  I'd post a pic of them, but Molly is snoozing away and I'm afraid I'd wake her.


Nighty night or good morning.

Saturday, November 3, 2012

Thankful For (Day #3)

I am thankful for all 3 of the hours that Molly slept last night.  I am thankful that we have health insurance, and that her pediatrician was able to schedule an appointment for her early in the day today, especially since it’s Friday, so we didn't have to go through the weekend wondering if those hacks were because there was fluid in her lungs, or that those head shakes were because her ears were infected.  I am thankful that she was cheerful in the morning, she could have been sour, like me, because 3 hours of sleep is really not very much, especially when the rest of them are spent listening to your baby cough and cry, or watching her tug at her little ears. 
When we were packed up and ready to go to the doctors office, I bundled Molly up and headed out to the car.  Out the front door we go, down to front steps, and out to the street.  When we get to the car, I am thankful we have another vehicle, because the window of the back driver-side door has been smashed in and the entire car is filled with the tiny pieces of glass I am used to seeing on the highway after fender benders.  I am thankful there was no cash in my wallet because it is missing.  We go back inside, where I call the doctors office, and then thank them, when they agree to move our appointment to later in the afternoon.  Thankfully my husband works nearby, he comes home and gives me his vehicle, which I am thankful has an extra car seat in it, because the one in the other car is covered in bits of glass.  My husband is thankful we have a third car, an old truck, parked around the side of the house, and is pleased that the fact that its headlights don’t work will mean that he will get to depart early from work later that day.  He gives me tips as I thank the call center employees who cancel my credit cards.  I even call the library.  I don’t want the thief checking out books on my account.
Thankfully it is not raining at the moment, or the car would have filled with water, and developed a musty interior, which can be hard to get rid of.  But on the horizon the fall day is darkening, heavy clouds are moving swiftly towards us across the bay.  Thankfully, the enormous rock the thief used to smash open our car window is still inside, so I use it to secure a tarp (and by tarp I mean my yoga mat) over the broken window. 

On the way to our later doctor’s appointment, I am not feeling thankful. I am feeling sorry for myself.  Three hours sleep, a sick baby, a broken window to replace, a car seat full of glass.  On the radio, NPR is running a story on women in Syria who are trying to escape the ravaged country with their children.  I am thankful again. 
The doctor says there is no fluid in Molly’s lungs, or infections in her ears.  I am sort of thankful that she smiles at him and laughs through her appointment, but sort of irritated, like when you take your car into the mechanic and the knocking noise it has been making suddenly goes quiet.  I want her to cough and pull her ears, but she doesn't.  She smiles and spits bubbles at the doctor.  He sends us on our way. 
We stop by my mother’s house on the way home.  She has offered to watch Molly so I can have a nap.  I sleep for another 3 hours.  I am thankful that, while the last 3 hours felt like ten minutes, this 3 hours feels like 7.  I pack up Molly and we go home, where Ryan is, having left early with the no-headlights truck.  He makes dinner.  Our neighbor calls, he has found my wallet in his driveway.  “There is no cash in it,” he regretfully explains, but I am pleased, thankful to avoid a trip to the DMV to have my license replaced.  “Don’t worry,” I tell him, “thankfully there wasn't any in there to begin with.” 
Back down the steps and down to the street where the neighbor gives me back my wallet.
“This must have been a real pain,” he says, which is true, but still, I’m thankful, because a little pain every so often is not such a big deal.  Plus it helps remind me how much we have to be thankful for. 


Friday, November 2, 2012

Quinn and Ponies (Thankful)

A few days ago I had a work appointment up in Redmond. 

On the way, I stopped by Thumbs Up Farm to visit Quinny P and the ponies.

Molly had never seen a pony, and I thought, her better to introduce her to the ponies then the Quinster?

This will be fun.

I thought.

Except Molly was not so super fond of the ponies.

She cried a bit.

Not so sure about this big guy.  Notice her knit cowboy boots.

She liked this little guy a little better.

"We" even fed him a carrot!

In any case, I am thankful for Quinn and the ponies. 

Quinn is an integral member of a tight circle of mamas and daughters I have been blessed to have been born in to.  Jake considers himself pretty lucky too. 

This pic is from our annual mama daughter "craft day" last year.

Also, it's a good friend that gets you a pinata on your birthday.

And let's you carry the littlest pack into the volcano (that's mine on the far left)

So hooray for the Quinn and the ponies!
(And Molly and Jake too)

Thursday, November 1, 2012

What We are Thankful For

So you may have noticed (it appears to have taken over my facebook feed) that November is the month to post...daily... what you are thankful for.

Oh man, how annoying

I thought, as I scrolled through everyone's thankful messages.

Later this afternoon, I sent Molly down on her quilt after lunch while I cleaned up the kitchen.
Before I knew it I heard giggling.  Jake had scooted over next to her, and the two were merrily engaged in play (ish).  Jake was licking off bits of pear that I had missed, and Molly was laughing hysterically while patting his fur.

Ok, so yes, we did have a bath before nap time (we'd planned one anyway, after choosing pear for lunch), but it was a pretty fun moment.  And it made me feel, well, thankful.

I didn't feel as thankful when we caught Jake eating all of my tomatillos last summer.  Apparently he had taken quite the liking to them...

Jake was Ryan and my first "baby" and he turns 7 years old this month.  I'm thankful he's such a sweet pee, and that he and Molly have such a fun time together (one of her new favorite things to do is just watch him and laugh).

So yes, on November 1 I am thankful for my dog. And my baby.

Anyway, I'd taken a break from blogging, so we'll see if I can keep up with 30 days or thankfuls. Fingers crossed.  If I fail it won't be for lack of things to be thankful for... it will be the exact opposite-- all those wonderful things just keep me too busy.