Friday, December 20, 2013

Snow! Wow!

It snowed last night.
Ryan got to go in two hours late today since his work runs on the school schedule.  He was very happy with that, though personally I was hoping they would call a snow day and cancel school all together.
Oh well.

Molly got up just after Ryan left, and I bundled her up in her jammies and we headed outside for a bit.

She wasn't much of a fan of the snow when we were outside, though now that we are back in the house she keeps running to the window, to point and say "Snow! Wow!"

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

First Candy Cane

A very festive box arrived from Tucson today (thank you Nana and Papa!) with candy canes
inside.  Molly was an instant fan.

Della's 3rd Birthday Party

Molly's buddy Della's third birthday was this past Sunday.  They held the party at a small vintage boutique downtown called Ish, which is owned by another one of our neighbors.  The kiddos had a blast dressing up in fun clothes and dancing on the stage.

Actually, Molly's favorite parts were putting beads on a small pink Christmas tree and licking her cake plate clean.  Although she was a bit timid when we first got there.  Lots of kids, lots of noise!

Another picture of our little "Ryan in a dress"

Molly and I made Della a bunch of play-dough for her birthday.  It was a hit!