Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Tub Time

Every other night, about seven o'clock it's tubby time.  Sometimes it's every night.  Molly loves her tubs.  It's been one of her favorite things ever since I've known her.

She used to have a little baby tub, but she kicked and thrashed about so much in it that I just started going in with her when she was about four weeks.  We've kept that up ever since.  It's a pretty fun time.

Lately trying to catch the water coming out of the faucet is her favorite thing.  

She doesn't seem to mind the fact that she sprays water all over her face.  Often she puts her hands in the spray then sticks her tongue out and tries to catch some of it in the air.


  1. oh these pictures are amazing!!! Hi Molly and M or should I say m and m

  2. I sent the second picture to Loni because she was asking about the Molly...I sent her others too. I got mega points for sending the pictures. She loved them
