Monday, February 20, 2012


I didn't notice I had swollen hands and feet until I couldn't get my wedding ring off.  After some twisting and squeezing I managed to pop it loose and it is now on the trunk of my elephant ring-holder (thank you Grammy Squeak!)

Ry and My's wedding rings

Today is the day that I guessed for Molly to be born on our guessing calender.  It is four weeks from her original "drop" date.  Most of the reading I did said babies are usually born 2-4 weeks after they drop (or lighten), so I was thinking I was being conservative.  However, with no new news to report in the past few days, it now appears she may stay in the oven for the long haul.  Which is wonderful news. sigh. And also very difficult, as we'd sort of been expecting her any day.

Ry is back at work today after a long weekend of "nesting."  I prepped and taped and he painted all the baseboard in the nursery and hallway, and we're working on all the last minute projects to get our home baby-ready.  We've got our hospital bags packed and ready, and I even filled out the first few pages of our baby book, which was actually a bit stressful (I didn't want to mess anything up!)

According to our 38th week Baby Center report (which came this morning) baby is as long as a bunch of leeks (about 19 inches) and ready for life on the outside.  We're ready for her out here too, the next move is all hers!

In exciting news that we CAN plan on, Nana Jeannie is headed back up to the Northwest this Friday! I'm looking forward to another trip up to Port Gamble (the brunch spot in the back of the general store was just highly praised by Sunset, one of my favorite mags), as well as maybe some fun crafty projects (how adorable is this little project she just posted on her facebook page? And I just happen to have some minky about!

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