Friday, February 24, 2012

Visit from Nana Jeannie (Part 2)

Jeannie arrives from Tucson today and we couldn't be more excited!

I was a little nervous she wasn't going to arrive in time for Molly's arrival, but it looks like she will after all! Hooray!

We had a doctors appointment Wed. afternoon and were told I'm dilated to nearly a 3 (TMI? Sorry), after having about six hours of irregular contractions the evening before.  I had a few more hour's worth last night (they always seem to come in the evening!) so I imagine we are at a 3 now, though nothing currently to report.

I am happy to report that my late night insomnia and contractions have been help me speed through Bill Bryson's A Walk in the Woods (about his hike up the AT).  He logged about 30 miles last night, and I read about 100 pages.  There is something about his story of slogging up the AT that makes my own predicament a little more bearable.  We'll see if it is still helping when I am dilated at seven.

Ry and I have also been reading a bit from Mike Birbiglia's Sleepwalk With Me aloud each night, which I love (I just had to renew it from the library so we could finish it). Birbiglia is a regular on This American Life on NPR, which is my favorite radio show.  We've enjoyed reading his essays.  On that same note, I just picked up The Cloudy Patriot by Sarah Vowell, which I am looking forward to reading (she is another NPR regular).  My number just came up on the library hold list for Blue Nights by Joan Didion as well.  Though I'm thinking it may be a little dark for me right now.

So that's what's new with us, which really isn't all that much, unfortunately.

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